
Charge Exchange Effective Emission Coefficients

Temperature Range
1000 eV → 3.000 x 104 eV
Density Range
1.000 x 1011 cm-3 → 1.000 x 1014 cm-3
Energy Range
1.000 x 104 eV → 1.000 x 105 eV
Mag Field Range
3 T → 3 T
Zeff Range
1 → 6


Full Path
Download data
Å3 → 2
Å7 → 5
Å6 → 4
Å5 → 3
Å4 → 2
Å3 → 1
Å8 → 7
Å7 → 6
Å6 → 5
Å5 → 4
Å4 → 3
Å8 → 6

  ADF01 : /home/adas/adas/adf01/ext#h0/arf07#3/ext#h0_arf07#li3.dat

  Effective coefficient list:

     ISEL    TYPE      ION       INFORMATION
     ----    ----      ---       -----------

       1    CX emiss   Li+ 2     N =  2 -  3     728.8
       2    CX emiss   Li+ 2     N =  3 -  4    2082.3
       3    CX emiss   Li+ 2     N =  4 -  5    4498.9
       4    CX emiss   Li+ 2     N =  5 -  6    8282.0
       5    CX emiss   Li+ 2     N =  6 -  7   13735.4
       6    CX emiss   Li+ 2     N =  7 -  8   21162.6
       7    CX emiss   Li+ 2     N =  1 -  3     113.8
       8    CX emiss   Li+ 2     N =  2 -  4     539.9
       9    CX emiss   Li+ 2     N =  3 -  5    1423.5
      10    CX emiss   Li+ 2     N =  4 -  6    2915.3
      11    CX emiss   Li+ 2     N =  5 -  7    5166.7
      12    CX emiss   Li+ 2     N =  6 -  8    8329.3

  Note that the lowest energy is 10keV/amu which is 10 times higher
  that the usual light element QEF data. The adf01 data was extracted
  from the universal formula and is unsafe (for Li) below 10keV/amu.

  CODE   : run_adas309
  AUTHOR : Martin O'Mullane
  DATE   : 19-08-2012




  • Martin O'Mullane
  • Transitions
  • Comments
  • Origins

Data Classes